When handling projects and commissions, we take the approach of strategic alliance,
which not only leaves room for collaboration but also allows the team to remain in a state of flexibility and creativity by sparking inner dynamic through outer feedback.

山陽山陰由陳婕寧(Janet)與張哲惟(Kobe)於2020年共同創立。為策展工作者所組成之團隊,成員中除了具備專案管理、策展企劃、視覺設計、空間設計等能力,也擁有多面向整合與執行經驗的基礎,協助客戶在不同階段皆能開展出貼合的執行策略。故現階段不限縮案件類型,相對致力於在前端策略、中段過程的環節進行擾動,提煉出嶄新有趣的觀點。對應在不同的自發企劃及外部委任案件中,採取策略聯盟的形式,保留個體本身對外合作交流,持續回饋觸發內在動能,讓團隊隨時保持在靈活變通及富有創造力的狀態。特別著重興趣喜好與工作的高度連結,認為生活步調上的掌握與工作上的創意產出是相輔相成,因此結合策展所長與運動興趣所致,於2020年底發起「抱石俱樂部」品牌,以策展思維與設計方法進行運動文化、攀岩運動的研究及推廣,團隊相關專訪散見於日本生活風格雜誌《&Premium》、聯合報《500輯》、MOT TIMES等。
SANYO+SANIN is a team of curating professionals founded in 2020 by Janet and Kobe. In addition to project management, curatorial planning, visual design, and spatial design, the members have foundational experiences in multifaceted integration and execution, assisting clients in developing tailored execution strategies at various stages. For this reason, SANYO+SANIN currently does not limit itself to any specific type of project and instead focuses on invigorating front-end strategies and mid-stage processes to extract fresh and compelling viewpoints. Through strategic alliances in self-initiated projects and externally commissioned tasks, the team maintains external collaborations while continually stimulating internal momentum, ensuring agility and creativity. We place special emphasis on the strong connection between personal interests and work, believing that mastery in regulating the pace of life complements creative output at work. Combining curatorial strengths with interests in sports, “The Bouldering Club” brand was launched at the end of 2020. Through curatorial thinking and design methods, SANYO+SANIN researches and promotes sports culture and rock climbing. The team has been featured in interviews in various publications including Japan’s lifestyle magazine &Premium, the United Daily News’ 500 Issues, and MOT TIMES.

陳婕寧 Janet Chen
生於日本神奈川縣,長於台北,畢業於輔大景觀設計,無縫接軌踏入策展領域至今已十年,持續在景觀建築底蘊之上建構自我思路,現為自由策展工作者。近期著迷於登山、瑜珈、抱石之間的身體覺知開發,作品散見於《Shopping Design》、《La Vie》、《財訊》、《500輯》等。
Born in Kanagawa and grew up in Taipei, Janet graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University Department of Landscape Architecture and has been a member of the curating world for ten years. Janet continues to construct a sense of self through landscape and architecture and is now a freelance curator. Current obsessions involve exploring bodily sensations through mountaineering, yoga, and bouldering. Janet’s works are seen in publications such as Shopping Design, La Vie, Wealth Magazine., and 500 Times.
2020年06月 - 共同創立山陽山陰
2014年10月 — 2020年01月 格式設計展策|專案企劃、採訪編輯、格式多媒|媒體企劃
2013年06月 — 2014年10月 archicake design|專案企劃

張哲惟 Kobe Chang
Kobe graduated with a degree in architecture but plunged into the world of curating. With a deep love for objects that have history, Kobe often feels as if he is born into the wrong time, a sentiment that has led him to value the beauty of the present moment. Kobe’s life throughout the past few years gravitates towards his adopted eagle-daughter and bouldering. Having escaped from the corporate world, Kobe is looking for professional alliances, hoping to expand horizons.
2020年06月 - 共同創立山陽山陰
2015年08月 — 2019年12月 格式設計展策|空間設計師
2012年02月 — 2015年08月 archicake design|空間設計師、CPH Architects設計師

展覽策劃 Exhibition Curating
策略企劃 Strategical planning
行銷企劃 Marketing planning
簡報製作 Briefing production
品牌形象規劃 Branding
接案式專案管理 Piecework project management
研究調查與內容策展 Research investigation and content curation
空間設計與執行 Spatial design
展覽空間規劃與設計 Exhibition planning and design
櫥窗設計 Window display design
店舖設計 Store design
視覺設計 Visual design
識別系統設計 Identity system design
AND MORE⋯⋯我們只做有趣的事。
And more interesting projects to come.